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6 Viral Pieces Of Money Advice You Should Ignore financial diet

ในตอนนี้ Chelsea ได้วิเคราะห์คำแนะนำด้านเงินต่างๆ ที่แพร่กระจายบน TikTok, Reddit หรือแพลตฟอร์มอื่นๆ และวิธีที่คำแนะนำเหล่านี้มีตั้งแต่ไม่ช่วยเหลือไปจนถึงอันตรายอย่างยิ่ง บีบสั้นๆ: ขาดข้อจำกัดความรับผิดชอบในคำแนะนำเกี่ยวกับหุ้น: TikToks ที่อ้างอิง: IRS เกี่ยวกับค่าใช้จ่ายทางธุรกิจ: บริษัท S: Fidelity on Debt: การดำรงชีวิตจากหนี้: ดอกเบี้ยบัตรเครดิต: การเป็นเจ้านายของคุณเอง: ความเครียดจากการจ้างงานตนเอง: FIRE subreddit: FIRE ในช่วง COVID: ดู The Financial Diet เพิ่มเติมโดย Chelsea Fagan ที่นี่: เว็บไซต์ The Financial Diet: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: .

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6 Viral Pieces Of Money Advice You Should Ignore

6 Viral Pieces Of Money Advice You Should Ignore

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6 Viral Pieces Of Money Advice You Should Ignore
financial diet
ดูวิธีการทำเงินออนไลน์ล่าสุดทั้งหมด: ดูเพิ่มเติมที่นี่
ดูวิธีการทำเงินออนไลน์ล่าสุดทั้งหมด: ดูเพิ่มเติมที่นี่

50 thoughts on “6 Viral Pieces Of Money Advice You Should Ignore financial diet”

  1. Can you talk about I am Academy. They’re an MLM selling courses on FOREX training, and it ism asking FOREX trading. ( a normal investing thing) become associated with scams, and is hurting the investing industry, especially since only the courses are what is t he MLM part, they aren’t even selling FOR currency, they’re just selling classes on how to do it.

  2. I work as a paralegal editor and a lot of lawyers are working on case again specific creators (Legally I can’t say who) for suggesting purchasing specific stocks or crypto because they bought in before promotion so that the people buying it would shoot up the cost, then they’d sell, and repeat. They were using their audience to control the market and that is considered insider trading and fraud.

  3. So much keep your “bull shit meter honed.” I love your channel because you encourage folks not to take the cookie cutter approach to finances. The concept of it being a diet and you have to pick what is individually substantial-able to you. What brings the right balance to your life. Should be a balance between emotional, spiritual, physical and financial.

  4. About the 'S Corp" tax-free jazz, concur with your analysis plus it'd vary from one state to another which is a huge caveat if missing from that viral video.

  5. Financial tip: leave $5-10 in your account after each pay when you pay your bills. It builds up after a few months so you don't need overdraft protection plus you have a buffer for small emergencies

  6. I bet you clicked on this video thinking she would do a rebuttal style video for us with tiktok clips included. Nope! Welcome to regular explanations, no fun here.

  7. There were a lot of helpful pieces of information in here! As for carrying a balance on credit cards, if on the credit reports it always shows as 0, they may reduce your limit or even take away the card entirely. What I do is I leave a small balance (under 9%) until the credit reporting date but then pay it off in full by the actual billing date. I loved the part where you state that "paying taxes is the cost of living in a functional society". Best quote I've ever heard!

  8. Have you considered being less boring, less droning? Less monotonously toned ?

    They should show your videos at Giitmo. Oh, hellacious. Drone drone drone. Monotonous, punctuated by odd hand movements.

    You wanted to work in the pottymouthed hellacious boring droning ndustry?

  9. Social media is 90% sharebait garbage with no other purpose than to game that particular platform's algorithm to help spread. You'd think by now people would learn.

  10. If no one paid their taxes, then you would need to pay for:
    – A security company to protect your neighbourhood from crime as there would be no police
    – A waste management company to empty your bins
    – un-subsidised health insurance
    – un-subsidised school fees
    – tolls on every road
    – charities to prevent people from starving to death (or accept the fact that there will be dead bodies on the street)
    Etc etc

  11. Not at all related to the content of this video, but Chelsea looks AMAZING in that first bit where she talks about the conference <3 On a content-related note, this video is great and I love everything you put out there 🙂

  12. This was one of the most helpful videos you've ever made. The viral financial advice on Tiktok and other platforms is honestly maddening. I'm glad you took the time to put our heads back on straight. I would love it if you did a similar type of video around cryptocurrency.

  13. I suppose next you're going to tell me the pill I bought wont allow me to get ripped and lose weight and get taller either. LOL I love your advice and I try to implement it, but my main financial problem is my spend-aholism. I buy just the dumbest stuff. I've taken to buying digital stuff so I don't have to see it cluttering my home, but it's still there in my computer! And I've been thinking about digital e-money like dogecoin, NFT and etherium lately. I need help.

  14. How could you not talk about crypto? They are targeting young people, such as gen z and millenials who are financially desperate. Telling us to invest in Dogecoin and then…well we know what happened. I really think people dont educate young people enough about this stuff. It is risky and unregulated.

  15. Something about this video made it distracting and very hard to concentrate on what you were saying. That door hinge! Where's that door going to? Who paints a door with the hinge still attached? When it's in the "closed" position, is it sticking out in the room? Does it have a stopper on the floor? Does it swing too far and make a noise like it's trying to rip off the wall? WHY IS THERE A DOOR THERE?

  16. As an American immigrant (read: 'expat') in Europe 10+ years I've always struggled to invest (e.g., financial products that have tax advantages in the US can be taxed by the UK and vice-versa). I can't open a Roth IRA, nor can I open an ISA in the UK. Not trying to dodge taxes(!), just want the usual advantages of investing in those financial products (as someone who makes an average salary and is desperate to get on top of a retirement savings plan in my mid-30s).

    I know this is niche, but maybe a topic you could shed some light on (maybe your husband feels my pain?)!

  17. I used to ride the bus for an hour to work, a decade ago. I started downloading audio books and tripped on Harward's Econ 101. Best bus rides ever. I learned a lot on how NOT TO invest and how the market works. Paying tuition for the market – losing money while you learn to invest in stocks – was a concept that stuck with me. I want investments that don't charge management fees and are tax free. There are a few in Brazil. Also the stock exchange here is pretty small and extra volatile.

  18. The one about living off debt made me think of those 90s sitcom. I think it was The Nanny where Fran had a bunch of different credit card and she was using of to pay off the balance of another, and using another one to pay off that ones balance. Correct if I’m wrong, but I do remember that scene though.

  19. Side hustle/BYOB Instgram is so damn exhausting! On average, I tend to work 10-12hrs per day (sometimes more, depending on the time of year) but according to all the #GirlBosses on IG I also need a side hustle!? 😅 Damn do I feel lazy when I look at IG. When the hell do they sleep?

  20. I don’t carry a balance on my credit card. So far this year, my cc company have paid me almost $80 in cash back. I haven’t pay a penny in interest. 😀

  21. For #1 (buy/sell stocks for short term gains) I will also add that much like gamblers who only count their wins, "I made $50,000 in one week trading on Robinhood!" people will never tell you "I went seven straight weeks barely breaking even with my trades!"

  22. Once more for the people in the back: "Paying your taxes is the cost for living in a functional society…trying to not pay them is not cool." 👏👏👏

  23. My mom has an accounting business and she basically gets all her clients because they tried to take shortcuts in their taxes or bookkeeping and messed everything up and made disaster. They pay more for her to fix their problems than they would in taxes 🥴

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